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Image by Aung Soe Min
Stack of Books

My Self-Help Bookshelf

I love books and often gain important insights, ideas and inspirations from them. Sometimes we can read something that offers us a 'glimmer' of hope and encouragement. Each week I will be adding a new book to this page that relates to the topics of my blogs and social media. As this virtual bookshelf grows, I hope you find one (or several) that is right for you!

Desk with Book

My Favorite Books

Currently Reading

I usually have more than one book on the go as each serves a different purpose or intention. These are currently sitting on my desk, on the back of my couch, or open in my Audible app.

1. The Myth of Normal: Trauma, illness & healing in a toxic culture by Gabor Mate and Daniel Mate.

2. Joyful: The surprising power of ordinary things to create extraordinary happiness by Ingrid Fetell Lee.

3. Think Again: The Power of knowing what you don't know by Adam Grant.

4. Four Thousand Weeks: Embrace your limits, change your life by Oliver Burkeman.

5. Come As You Are: The surprising new science that will transform your sex life by Emily Nagoski.

6. The Food & Feelings Workbook by Karen Koenig.

7. The Heart of Yoga: Developing a personal practice by T. K.V. Desikachar.

8. Good Inside by Becky Kennedy.

9. Dopamine Nation: Finding balance in the age of indulgence by Anna Lembke.

10. The Science of Compassion by Kelly McGonigal.



More books to be added soon on joy, people-pleasing, play, boundaries, mindfulness, healing from trauma, disordered eating, body image, healthy relationships, communication, confidence, and of course compassion!


Contact Me

Flourish with Compassion Logo (light background).png

Carrie Pollard, MSW RSW

Based out of Waterloo-Wellington*

Ontario, Canada


Offering virtual (phone and video) counselling options for all of Ontario, Canada and in-person appointments in Mount Forest, Ontario.


*Update: I do not have any openings for new clients at this time. You're welcome to connect with me, so I can either add you to my wait list or offer other therapists and counsellors in the community.



Looking forward to hearing from you!



*I respectfully acknowledge that I service the areas of Waterloo-Wellington, which resides on the traditional territory of  Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishnaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples; situated on the Haldimand Tract, land promised to Six Nations, which includes six miles on each side of the Grand River and the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


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